Pandemic Painting #46

Inktober is over, so let’s get back to Pandemic Painting, this one being #46 in the series.

I teach watercolor painting at the Arcelor Mittal Learning Center in Burns Harbor, Indiana. The set-up there is for union mill workers and they have a bunch of cool classes that our makers of steel can access. I’ve taught cartooning and drawing there, but now I focus on watercolors.
This particular scene is taken from across the road at the Learning Center. I sketched directly onto the paper and added the deer later. (There are a lot of deer to be found in the woods along the highway but I couldn’t get one to come out and pose.)

I did this with speed in mind; while the deer is nicely detailed, the rest was done with some haste. Using an oil painting fan brush (for the stiff bristles) I poked and pulled and mashed the colors together into a fairly decent work.

The aforementioned colors were from my Winsor & Newton palette, done on Strathmore 500 Series cold press paper. While most of the colorful leaves are now down – and seemingly all of them have collected in my yard! – I continue to endeavor to persevere. (Bonus points if know where that quote came from…)

Be safe and smart out there, folks!

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