Pandemic Painting #77

Here we are with Pandemic Painting #77, although it should really be PP #78.

For reasons that will be revealed in a month, the “real” #77 is a commission that stays under wraps until then. You’ll understand on September first. By then my numbering system for these works will be all screwed up, but that’s how it goes sometimes.

Suffice that this #77 was taken from an image loaned to me by my friend Deuce Richardson down in Kansas. Something about the icicles hanging off the bell was just such wonderful imagery that I had to paint it. And it triggered a fond memory of a similar bell that was out front of my grandparents house high atop a sand dune in Miller, Indiana.

My trusty Winsor & Newtons splashed on 300# Arches hot pressed paper did the trick here for this 9.375″ by 13.75″ work, of which I’m fairly happy.
Hope you all are too…happy, I mean. Be safe and smart. 

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