Pandemic Painting #81

I guess I had a painting fever last night, the result of which provided me with Pandemic Painting #81.

In taking a bit of a turn, I decided yesterday I’d like to do a painting in one sitting. Having a nice photo reference from a trip to the Beverly Shores beach front a couple of years ago, I filled up my water pot and had at it.
Not terrible for a 90 minute job, drying time included. With the exception of doing the washy sky with my trusty 47 year old Grumbacher 1″ flat, the rest was accomplished with a very nifty Princeton Long Point #10.

300# Arches cold press paper this time, with the usual (and dependable) Winsor & Newton watercolor paint to cover the 10″ x 14″ area.

And in the words of John Belushi: “Don’t let the bastards wear you down.”

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