Pandemic Painting #141. Challenge #5

Pandemic Painting #141. Challenge #5.

I’ve painted this scene a few times. It’s from my old stomping grounds on the beach in Miller, Indiana; Marquette Park, to be specific. I’ve revisited this place several times as well and the dune shape has remained.

Well, I’m finding this ‘do a watercolor every day’ is to my liking. None of these are going to be great masterpieces; I’m spending around 1 or 2 hours total on them. But the discipline is constant and the process relaxing – I feel comfortable wielding my brush. Plus, I’m having fun and that’s what hobbies are about, eh?

Continuing with my Winsor & Newton colors on Arches 140# cold press on this 7.625″ x 10.25″ piece.

Hope you all can be as safe as possible

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