Pandemic Painting #146. Challenge #10

Pandemic Painting #146. Challenge #10.

This 6.25″ x 9.626″ scene is from my back yard last winter. For a first try at snow balanced on the branches of the lilac bush,. I’m ok with it.
I broke out the liquid frisket to cover the white of the paper for the blobs of snow on the lilac bush. This is a masking agent like rubber cement, that blocks the paint washed over it; when everything is dry, you rub off the agent (as opposed to a spy rubbing OUT the agent) to expose the white paper, after which I added small strokes of blue (which by the way, is the title of my next album). Holy smokes, that was a long sentence, complete with two bad jokes…

Sennelier and Arches completes this experiment and I’m 1/3rd of the way done with 31 in 31.

Everyone stay safe and cool

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