Pandemic Painting #117

Back again with Pandemic Painting #117. I’ve been neglecting my updates here due to a couple/three of cartooning projects, but I’ve also completed this and two other paintings, so there!

This scene is from a photo I took at the Indiana Dunes National Park. In truth, I consider this to be a somewhat pedestrian effort; one of those paintings where you just go through the motions. It’s not particularly exciting. If I were to use baseball parlance, this is barely a base hit, more like a walk. Or hit by pitch – as this is a watercolor, that pitch would be a spitball.

Okay, enough of cracking myself up with stupid metaphors. Winsor & Newton watercolours, 140# Arches cold press from a block and a nifty Winsor & Newton Series 7 #5 brush are the tools and 9″ x 12.5″ are the dimensions.

More paintings coming soon! 

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