Pandemic Painting #146. Challenge #10

Pandemic Painting #146. Challenge #10. This 6.25″ x 9.626″ scene is from my back yard last winter. For a first try at snow balanced on the branches of the lilac bush,. I’m ok with it.I broke out the liquid frisket to cover the white of the paper for the blobs of snow on the lilac …

Pandemic Painting #145. Challenge #9

Pandemic Painting #145. Challenge #9. Today’s piece is what I call a coloring book painting. I did a detailed outline drawing and then filled in the outlines with color (Sennelier again).Iris have long been my favorite flower, particularly yellow ones. I’ve probably painted a hundred different iris works. They are a perfect flower for watercolor. …

Pandemic Painting #144. Challenge #8

Pandemic Painting #144. Challenge #8. Here’s a small (6.5″ x 8.5″) piece for today’s offering. It’s taken from a drawing I did of a Cross Plains, Texas sunset. Another one that I’ve painted before but always worth another go. I’m liking my Sennelier colors again. They are in a larger palette than my Winsor & …

Pandemic Painting #143. Challenge #7

Pandemic Painting #143. Challenge #7. Well, I’m maintaining my one watercolor per day pace so far and it is actually feeling pretty good. It’s only a small adjustment to my pretty open daily schedule and I feel like I’m in the groove. If I can keep up this monthly challenge, it could develop into a …

Pandemic Painting #142. Challenge #6

Pandemic Painting #142. Challenge #6. I spent a little more time on this one so here’s a late posting. I was also doing double duty drawing cartoons for my Nascrag gang at the same time while waiting for paint to dry! Nicely busy day of making art. I’ve done this scene several times, but as …

Pandemic Painting #141. Challenge #5

Pandemic Painting #141. Challenge #5. I’ve painted this scene a few times. It’s from my old stomping grounds on the beach in Miller, Indiana; Marquette Park, to be specific. I’ve revisited this place several times as well and the dune shape has remained. Well, I’m finding this ‘do a watercolor every day’ is to my …

Pandemic Painting #140. Challenge #4

Pandemic Painting #140. Challenge #4. I wanted to do something with a little more detail tonight but because I’ve got to keep these paintings small and relatively quick, I let a meandering brush do some of the detail work. This scene was used early on in the Pandemic Series. I’ve decided there are a number …

Pandemic Painting #139/Challenge #3

Pandemic Painting #139/Challenge #3. Most of these Challenge Paintings are going to be fairly quick – I spent maybe an hour on this one. It’s a scene I’ve done before, so mostly from memory. I still plan on doing some bigger pieces, but with two big cartooning projects this month, these Challenge ones will be …

Pandemic Painting #138/Watercolor Challenge Painting #2.

Pandemic Painting #138/Watercolor Challenge Painting #2. Heh heh, he said “number 2” (Bobbi Laughlin, Cheryl Cavalier). I still don’t know where this “challenge” is taking me, other than if I stick to it I’ll have 31 paintings in 31 days. Right now my attitude is this is fun and a much needed ‘get my butt in …

Pandemic Painting #137 Watercolor Challenge 1

Challenge accepted! I found out tonight at 8 pm that July is Watercolor Month. The challenge is to paint a watercolor a day for the entire month, in one of those made-up intra-web challenges, kind of like Inktober. I’ve been a little lax in my painting lately, so this is a way to really get …