Inktober Day 21.

Inktober Day 21.

Earlier this summer we had a doe and twin fawns show up in our back yard. We’ve got a wall of foliage along the back line and deer magically appear to munch on clover, grass and a couple of wild onions from the yard.
I caught the twins sun bathing one day.

I rather like this drawing. I decidedly channeled Jesse Marsh with this one. Marsh was the artist for the Tarzan comics in the 50’s & 60’s and is my all-time favorite comic book artist. He could draw animals (+ dinosaurs) like nobody’s business and his foliage and architecture and regular people were simple and realistic. Oddly enough, he had a bit of trouble with Tarzan, giving him a 1950’s haircut and lines for lips. But I forgave him long ago.

Done with a Micron .02 and a Pentel Brush pen.
Good weekend to you all!

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