Pandemic Painting #123

Pandemic Painting #123, Take Two.Tried posting this last night, but the cursed Intraweb Gods were not kind to me. #123 is a departure from a regular watercolor, inasmuch as it was drawn with Inktense watercolor pencils and then enhanced with water from a small brush to produce the painting. As I sometimes do a lot …

Easter Beacher cover

Here we are with my 5th cover for The Beacher, a tribute to all the Easter Bunny wannabees from past and present. You’ll have to look real hard for Harvey (he said, tongue in cheek) but the rest are picked from googling “Famous Rabbits”. Hopefully I made them all recognizable, although a couple are fairly …

Pandemic Painting #125

Never fear! Just like the pandemic has not given up on us, I have not given up on Pandemic Paintings! Here is # 125. It’s a good example of what I call a mental picture. I saw this set up driving down a highway and couldn’t stop to photograph it, so I used my memory …

Pandemic Painting #126

Well, maybe posting Pandemic Painting #126 will calm me down from the White Sox losing today on a walk-off homer. Arrrggghhh! While I haven’t necessarily been struggling lately, I haven’t been real happy with my painting. It’s a temporary lull, I know. And doing this one helped a lot with that.This scene is from Miller …

Pandemic Painting #127

As I have several pieces piled up, I best get to posting some, hoping Facebook won’t dissolve my post into the ether like it just did. Harrumph! Here is Pandemic Painting #127, inspired by a 100 year old black and white photo. I’ve colorized it and tried to give it some pop. The key word …

Pandemic Painting #128

I need to step up my posting of Pandemic Paintings, so here we are with #128. Late April and early May found me just not “feeling it” as far as doing a good painting. Producing a watercolor anymore has become even more emotional for me and I didn’t feel like I was giving it my …