Pandemic Painting #95

Pandemic Painting #95 shows me that even a not so hot painting can be warmed up with the addition of a monarch butterfly. This one took a left turn at Albuquerque and the bottom half got wiped away with clean water and an angry sponge. I attempted to repaint the lower part, added the butterfly …

Pandemic Painting #96

A lot of Pandemic Painting #96 was accomplished late last night as my body was all wonky from the time change. Sometimes I paint okay after 11 pm. This scene is yet another from a favorite place in Miller, in Marquette Park near the pop stand as you enter the park from the east. I’ve …

Pandemic Painting #97

All right, let’s try Pandemic Painting #97. This one is a fairly generic scene that I have to admit came from an internet swipe. I’ve used this scene for teaching purposes, as it shows both an autumn tree and a barn structure to highlight both nature and man-made in one painting. Way more technique than …

Pandemic Painting #98

A lazy Sunday brings us to Pandemic Painting #98. Oooo…can’t you just feel the anticipation as we inch towards #100? Anyway, this painting came to me compliments of a photo taken by my lifelong friend and fellow William A. Wirt High School classmate Roz Pachter. Vibrant asters and an even more vibrant monarch butterfly compelled me …

Pandemic Painting #99

I like to think Pandemic Painting #99 has somewhat of a Thanksgiving air about it. Maybe the road leading away to the horizon is the one where you go over the river and through the woods, or some such. Say hi to Grandma for me! Anyway, this piece was a commission from long time dear …

Pandemic Painting #85

Time to get caught up here with Pandemic Painting #85. Actually, I’ve got three paintings to post bingo-bango-bongo here. This one here is mostly made up, as I was trying to knock one out quickly. I guess 30 minutes qualifies this. I washed in the sky very fast, a mix of cobalt, pthalo and ultramarine …